Evil Con Carne Wiki

Destructicus Con Carne is Hector Con Carne's son from the future. He has brown spiky hair and an L shaped head. He wears a red and black shirt and black pants. He usually comes back from the future to visit Hector although Destructicus only explained who his father was not his mother so we dont know if it was Major Doctor or not. Destructicus does know who his mother it was never told and proved on the show before because he said it had something to do with the future and if he told that something terrible would happen that would put a hellish end to the yannix for a yannixal eternity, so he never even told anyone in the past about it and they just have to wait until Hector gets his Girlfriend. Destructicus supports the forces of good and Hector hates him for that but Major Doctor loves him even though she doesnt know if he is her real son.


Hector's face remains a mystery but not quite a very good one. For Destructicusses face may be heterozyogous for Hectors face so that may contain a couple of few details of Hector's.

Everyone on Bunny island hates Destructicus except for Major Doctor who loves him, and Stomach who has neutral feelings for him.

Episode Appearances

  • The Time Hole Incident
  • Friend of the Future
  • Son of evil
  • Destructicus Destruction
  • Time Trapped
  • Father's Day Feud
  • Let's Do Time Warp Again
  • Marry, Marry, Quite Contrary (Non-Speaking Cameo)
  • Father Crime
  • Stealing the Son
  • The Brain Takes Over